
时间:2022/03/29 09:09:23小编:无敌来源:网络



Bug FixesBed - Fixed disappearing beds. The disappearing bed bug was actually a blessing in disguise. This highlighted a rather large problem of an edge case where a biome’s items weren’t being saved properly. So a big problem has been fixed for not only the beds but every item (reports of sticks disappearing, etc).

Bed – Fixed backwards compatibility issue with flying beds.

Construction Objects – Increased culling distance.

Loading – Fixed an issue with new content and previous saves.

Ocean – Fixed graphical error in tutorial scene.

Potato – Can attach to Fire Spit.

Raft – Fixed some physics issues. Please note that these changes will not apply to existing saved rafts!

Sharks – Fixed jiggly shark soft bodies.

Sharks – Fixed the issue of being unable to move after a shark attack.

Sharks – Fixed an occurrence of the player marked as "being attacked" which prevented sharks attacking you.

Sharks – Players should no longer go under or become stuck in the terrain after a shark attack event.

Sharks – Minor tweaks to aggressiveness and crazy speed values

Sharks – Sharks will build aggression when attacked


Bug Fixes Bed - Fixed disappearing beds. The disappearing bed bug was actually a blessing in disguise. This highlighted a rather large problem of an edge case where a biome’s items weren’t being saved properly. So a big problem has been fixed for not only the beds but every item (reports of sticks disappearing, etc). 【修补了哪些重要的BUG,没懂】

Bed – Fixed backwards compatibility issue with flying beds. 【仿佛说固定床反应器的部位,以前能飞床?真没遇上过 我不乱翻泽了】

基本建设目标 - 提升去除的间距。(含意就是说可以从更长远的地方砍掉某些工程建筑)

载入 - 调整了一个问题,新的內容不容易在以前的归档中起效。(可能是读条到89%时按键盘按键出现的BUG)

深海 - 修补实例教程中情景图型不正确(指的是开始飞机坠毁的那一段情景,可是图型不正确我都确实不知是啥,难道说在飞机坠毁后的海中?)

土豆 - 可以粘附于火堆上。(也就是说会更非常容易放到火上,如果有烤过0.02版本的马铃薯的应当都了解,这东西扔上去非常容易滑下去。)

筏 - 调整了一些物理问题。一定要注意,这种转变将不适感用以目前的储存筏。(载入归档后,存档中原地区有的木筏不被改动,仅有新造木筏这种修补才会起效)

大白鲨 - 固定不动不稳定的大白鲨皮下组织。【飞鲨BUG,或是是把大白鲨抛出去的时候,有时候会造成大白鲨形变,0.02H1就修补了这一BUG。】

大白鲨 - 调整了在被鲨鱼攻击后没法运动的问题。(以前假如被虎鲨扑咬,有概率会造成人物角色没动,没法操纵)

大白鲨 - 固定不动游戏玩家将标识为“黑客攻击”情况,该状态会避免鲨鱼攻击你。(恭贺达到“不动如山”造就)

Sharks – Players should no longer go under or become stuck in the terrain after a shark attack event. 【不明白,人物角色不会再哪些的】

大白鲨 - 轻度调节攻击能力和不可思议的速率值(提升速率和进攻)

大白鲨 - 被鲨鱼攻击时,人物角色将变为“黑客攻击”情况(就是上边写的那一个,如今这一模式还较为未知实际意义,猜想可能是只有被一条鲨鱼攻击)


《荒岛求生》梯子怎么做 梯子制作方法攻略
《荒岛求生》水桶如何获得 水桶获得方法攻略

